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College Students

College Students

Earn a college degree and so much more…

Through classes and field training, Army ROTC provides you with the tools to become an Army Officer without interfering with your other classes. ROTC also provides you with discipline and money for tuition while enhancing your college experience. If you're interested in enrolling in Army ROTC and you are in college, you can start by taking an Army ROTC basic Military Science course.

If you have at least two or more years remaining toward your undergraduate degree, but not enough time to complete the basic courses, you can enter the Army ROTC advanced course (MIS 301) by completing the Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET) held at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the summer before your junior year.

Visit our recruitment office in room 330 of the Social Science Building on the Tempe campus to find out all the different ways to join Army ROTC, as well as scholarships that are available to you. We have designated scholarships for those studying critical languages, nursing, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, math).


Any student can try Army ROTC for up to 2 years with no obligation while they work towards their degree at Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, or one of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Just sign up for MIS 101 in the fall! We currently offer the option to sign up for our 100/200 level classes at MCC, SCC, GCC, & PC. Community college students have to attend the actual classes at ASU or GCU.